Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Reiki? Reiki is actually two things. First, it is the spiritual energy, or true essence, we are all born with. We are all born as a brilliant bright light. However, fear, worry, grief, and sadness eventually dim our light. Second, Reiki is a Japanese system with five very specific elements. These elements assist the practitioner in removing the fear, worry, grief, and sadness, so that we may shine again as our true selves. We are after all, pure Reiki. Reiki was created as a tool for personal growth, hands-on healing is a happy side effect. As we are all connected, or One Soul, there is no need to “send” Reiki. Quite simply, all that is required is to remember your connection, set your intention, and focus through meditation. The system of Reiki was created by a Japanese monk named, Mikao Usui. His teachings have been modified and westernized, however, Donna is certified in the original Usui Reiki lineage. Reiki is not associated with any religion, and may be practiced by anyone.

  2. How is Animal Reiki different from Human Reiki? Human Reiki teaches specific hand positions for people, although Reiki flows from our entire being, not just the palm chakras. Most people prefer a light touch when receiving Reiki, however, no contact needs to be made for the energy to flow and be effective. Animal Reiki is unique, in the fact that the animal controls the session. Donna practices and teaches the Let Animals Lead technique created by Kathleen Prasad of Animal Reiki Source. Kathleen describes the technique as, “A bold energy-based approach that promotes animal healing through compassion, loving kindness, and always offering animals the choice to energetically/physically connect with us.” After asking permission, an energetic connection is made through meditation.

  3. What is an Intuitive? An Intuitive is defined as someone who has the ability to know or understand things without proof or evidence. Donna has always been an intuitive empath, she receives information mainly through claircognizance, clairvoyance, clarsentience, and clairaudience.

  4. What is an Animal Communicator? An Animal Communicator is someone who communicates with animals telepathically. Everyone has this ability, it simply needs to be practiced. Animals share their thoughts, feelings, concerns, physical symptoms, and more. Most of the time, animals will show Donna a favorite sleeping spot or toy, to confirm to the owner that she have connected with their pet.

  5. Does my pet need to do anything specific during the session? No. You and your pet may go about your day as normal. If you prefer, you may sit quietly with your pet during your appointment time to observe their behavior.

  6. How do you work with people and animals all over the world? The answer is really very simple. We are all energetically connected, we are all One Soul. We have forgotten that connection over time. To connect with an animal or person, Donna only requires a picture and a name to focus her intention.

  7. How may sessions will it take until I see results? Great question! As every pet and every situation are unique, this is something that cannot be predicted. Although, chronic illness, and long-term behavior issues will require more time. Most people report seeing a noticeable difference after just one session! A good rule of thumb is to book the series of 3 Intuitive Pet Healings, and reevaluate after.